So if you want to order 3 or more units today you can place your order on the web site now. However note the exchange rates for LTC and BTC are WAY OFF and I have asked them about updating that.
I am still getting details on a group buy. However in the past there wasn't a big discount offered to us for the group buy. But we will see if what kind of incentive they may offer us. If the A5 pricing is any indication even if you buy at large volumes like 100 the discount wasn't enough to be of significant help.
Got a link? I'm not seeing the A4+ listed.
The A4+ isn't listed there yet. They said place your pre-order using the current A4 page and you get the option to upgrade to the A4+.
So if you want to order 3 or more units today you can do that right now on the current web order for the A4 preorder. You will be notified about the upgrade option.
Like was mentioned the final cost will be priced in MHS. So current MHS price appears to be $5.56 x
They are stating the lab unit runs at 520mhs, but they are saying they believe the final units could be hashing as high as 550mhs. But your final price will be reflected in whatever that number settles at.
Man you weren't kidding about the exchange rates being way off.
$3150 USD deposit for 3 or 1.19 BTC (about $5700 in BTC)
Assuming they FIX their badly outdated BTC/$ (and LTC/$) exchange ratio.
Yes, the rate they built into the web page is obviously static and done a while ago. So they need to fix that and get it at least somewhat close or the only real way to do this is to do a wire transfer to them.