FYI, I'm on a D9, but most of the software interface is the same. Last night I found the "stats" cgminer api to obtain the details of each chip (e.g., nVol, Temp, PLL). I think the values that come back are not in the units that we'd like (e.g., temp = 505; maybe correlates to 67C), but I think it would be worthwhile if someone did this for the A9 and measured the values in each of the different modes. I plan on doing this (maybe tonight) on the D9. Hopefully there's something that correlates so that we can figure out if altering the .conf file is having any remaining effects.
can you please explain how you accessed the "stats" cgminer api?
The cgminer API is available through the use of JSON RPCs. Early on, I created a python script that I made to monitor my ASICs before I knew about AwesomeMiner. I used sources like this ( as a starting point and expanded from there. Premium versions of AwesomeMiner may be able to do the same thing with sending these commands.
If you do a search for "cgminer json rpc python", lots of different projects come up that you can use to hack together a solution.
I got this to work [1]: from pycgminer import CgminerAPI
In [2]: cgminer = CgminerAPI(host='xx.xx.xx.xx', port=4028)
In [3]: cgminer.summary()
{u'STATUS': [{u'Code': 11,
u'Description': u'sgminer 4.4.2',
u'Msg': u'Summary',
u'STATUS': u'S',
u'When': 1532482199}],
u'SUMMARY': [{u'Accepted': 184,
u'Best Share': 15.84,
u'Device Hardware%': 1584.0,
u'Device Rejected%': 1584.0,
u'Difficulty Accepted': 15.84,
u'Difficulty Rejected': 15.84,
u'Difficulty Stale': 15.84,
u'Discarded': 506,
u'Elapsed': 390,
u'Found Blocks': 0,
u'Get Failures': 0,
u'Getworks': 17,
u'Hardware Errors': 0,
u'Last getwork': 1532482198,
u'Local Work': 2323,
u'MHS 15m': 17261.57,
u'MHS 1m': 44043.96,
u'MHS 5m': 34571.3,
u'MHS 5s': 65758.97,
u'MHS av': 49897.53,
u'Network Blocks': 4,
u'Pool Rejected%': 1584.0,
u'Pool Stale%': 1584.0,
u'Rejected': 0,
u'Remote Failures': 0,
u'Stale': 0,
u'Total MH': 19472058.0,
u'Utility': 28.29,
u'Work Utility': 1563069.9}],
u'id': 1}
In [7]: cgminer.devs()
{u'DEVS': [{u'ASC': 0,
u'Accepted': 87,
u'Device Elapsed': 533,
u'Device Hardware%': 0.0,
u'Device Rejected%': 0.0,
u'Difficulty Accepted': 9744225.0,
u'Difficulty Rejected': 0.0,
u'Enabled': u'Y',
u'Hardware Errors': 0,
u'ID': 0,
u'Last Share Difficulty': 131070.0,
u'Last Share Pool': 0,
u'Last Share Time': 1532482339,
u'Last Valid Work': 1532482339,
u'MHS 15m': 8069.8,
u'MHS 1m': 19662.56,
u'MHS 5m': 14868.44,
u'MHS 5s': 28061.91,
u'MHS av': 18295.33,
u'Name': u'HLT',
u'Rejected': 0,
u'Status': u'Alive',
u'Temperature': 53.0,
u'Total MH': 9744225.0,
u'Utility': 9.8},
can't see anywhere where mentions clockspeeds... tried cgminer.devs() cgminer.devdetails()