It was the Bitcointalk forum that inspired us to create - Bitcointalk is an excellent site that should be the default page for anybody dealing in cryptocurrency, since it is a virtual gold-mine of data. However, our experience and user feedback led us create our site; Bitcointalk's search is slow, and difficult to get the results you need, because you need to log in first to find anything useful - furthermore, there are rate limiters for their search functionality.
The aim of our project is to create a faster website that yields more results and faster without having to create an account and eliminate the need to log in - your personal data, therefore, will never be in jeopardy since we are not asking for any of your data and you don't need to provide them to use our site with all of its capabilities.
We created this website with the sole purpose of users being able to search quickly and efficiently in the field of cryptocurrency so they will have access to the latest and most accurate information and thereby assisting the crypto-community at large.
dbcache=10284 # this value is from the fast host, the other one has a much lower value
bitcoin@computer2:~/.bitcoin/blocks$ ls
blk03189.dat blk03198.dat blk03207.dat blk03216.dat rev03196.dat rev03205.dat rev03214.dat
blk03190.dat blk03199.dat blk03208.dat index rev03197.dat rev03206.dat rev03215.dat
blk03191.dat blk03200.dat blk03209.dat rev03189.dat rev03198.dat rev03207.dat rev03216.dat
blk03192.dat blk03201.dat blk03210.dat rev03190.dat rev03199.dat rev03208.dat
blk03193.dat blk03202.dat blk03211.dat rev03191.dat rev03200.dat rev03209.dat
blk03194.dat blk03203.dat blk03212.dat rev03192.dat rev03201.dat rev03210.dat
blk03195.dat blk03204.dat blk03213.dat rev03193.dat rev03202.dat rev03211.dat
blk03196.dat blk03205.dat blk03214.dat rev03194.dat rev03203.dat rev03212.dat
blk03197.dat blk03206.dat blk03215.dat rev03195.dat rev03204.dat rev03213.dat
bitcoin@computer2:~/.bitcoin/blocks$ ls index
001144.ldb 001239.ldb 001332.ldb 001395.ldb 001489.ldb 001497.ldb 001536.ldb 001573.ldb
001145.ldb 001240.ldb 001333.ldb 001396.ldb 001490.ldb 001498.ldb 001566.log CURRENT
001146.ldb 001241.ldb 001334.ldb 001397.ldb 001491.ldb 001530.ldb 001567.ldb LOCK
001147.ldb 001242.ldb 001335.ldb 001398.ldb 001492.ldb 001531.ldb 001568.ldb MANIFEST-001564
001235.ldb 001243.ldb 001336.ldb 001399.ldb 001493.ldb 001532.ldb 001569.ldb
001236.ldb 001244.ldb 001337.ldb 001400.ldb 001494.ldb 001533.ldb 001570.ldb
001237.ldb 001330.ldb 001393.ldb 001401.ldb 001495.ldb 001534.ldb 001571.ldb
001238.ldb 001331.ldb 001394.ldb 001402.ldb 001496.ldb 001535.ldb 001572.ldb
[bitcoin@computer1:~/.bitcoin/blocks]## ls
blocks index
[bitcoin@computer1:~/.bitcoin/blocks]# ls *
blk03189.dat blk03197.dat blk03205.dat blk03213.dat rev03193.dat rev03201.dat rev03209.dat
blk03190.dat blk03198.dat blk03206.dat blk03214.dat rev03194.dat rev03202.dat rev03210.dat
blk03191.dat blk03199.dat blk03207.dat blk03215.dat rev03195.dat rev03203.dat rev03211.dat
blk03192.dat blk03200.dat blk03208.dat blk03216.dat rev03196.dat rev03204.dat rev03212.dat
blk03193.dat blk03201.dat blk03209.dat rev03189.dat rev03197.dat rev03205.dat rev03213.dat
blk03194.dat blk03202.dat blk03210.dat rev03190.dat rev03198.dat rev03206.dat rev03214.dat
blk03195.dat blk03203.dat blk03211.dat rev03191.dat rev03199.dat rev03207.dat rev03215.dat
blk03196.dat blk03204.dat blk03212.dat rev03192.dat rev03200.dat rev03208.dat rev03216.dat
001144.ldb 001239.ldb 001332.ldb 001395.ldb 001489.ldb 001497.ldb 001536.ldb 001567.ldb
001145.ldb 001240.ldb 001333.ldb 001396.ldb 001490.ldb 001498.ldb 001560.log CURRENT
001146.ldb 001241.ldb 001334.ldb 001397.ldb 001491.ldb 001530.ldb 001561.ldb LOCK
001147.ldb 001242.ldb 001335.ldb 001398.ldb 001492.ldb 001531.ldb 001562.ldb MANIFEST-001559
001235.ldb 001243.ldb 001336.ldb 001399.ldb 001493.ldb 001532.ldb 001563.ldb
001236.ldb 001244.ldb 001337.ldb 001400.ldb 001494.ldb 001533.ldb 001564.ldb
001237.ldb 001330.ldb 001393.ldb 001401.ldb 001495.ldb 001534.ldb 001565.ldb
001238.ldb 001331.ldb 001394.ldb 001402.ldb 001496.ldb 001535.ldb 001566.ldb