I would love to see the quote where I called you "a republican bible-basher with an unhealthy bloodlust".
If you want to spend half of your paycheck paying to incarcerate alcoholics for being alcoholics, drug addicts for being drug addicts, and poor people for being poor that's fine - just don't expect the rest of society to help you. If you really think our country (taxpayers) can afford to keep incarcerating more than 2.5 million people and growing, you are truly ignorant. Go take your liberal bashing bullshit rhetoric to a liberal.
In your little scenario you assume a lot of things, like you would personally be overseeing the criminal that committed a crime against you. That is pretty moronic even by your standards. No one in their right mind would put the life of a human in your hands. As you pointed out sadistic individuals like yourself would commit further crimes abusing that individual, most likely leading to that person murdering you in your home because they cant take it any more. You make lots of assumptions about me and why I have the opinions I do. I will be the one to decide why I have an opinion thank you.
Funny how you skipped over the whole funding of 2.5 million people in prison part. I wonder why?
Sorry man, but it's pretty clear you feel that way about me. When you saw my posts, you immediately flew off the handle and went into a rage because you clearly think that I feel that way, even though I stated I don't agree with the prison system for the reasons you stated, among many others.
Your hostility is keeping you from understanding what I was asking and talking about. I was talking about merely the revenge aspect of what you are proposing. Perhaps instead of immediately condemning and being hostile to people who are skeptical of your views, you could calm down and explain yourself more. I'm not trying to attack you nor did I intend to come off that way at all.
Now, as to my question. You did not answer it, you deflected it with hostility. In your first post in this thread, you said:
Why are punishments almost always centered around revenge rather than restitution for the victims? maybe Jake needs mandatory employment working for the victim until he works off a suitable sum in proportion to the damages caused? In the case of murder, in many states they take the life of the murderer. Why not take that life and put it to constructive use rather than just ending life in revenge?
Clearly you feel your system should NOT be used as a kind of revenge, but when I point out that it would in fact be so (and the way you describe it and considering the way reality works, the victim probably would be overseeing or controlling what happens to the prisoner to some degree), you tried to sell the idea as a kind of revenge. When I questioned you about the hypocrisy of it, you instead tried to change the subject. But this isn't about how either you or I are arguing, this is about my question.
If this working-for-the-victim-as-reparation system is a form of revenge (which you said it is) and that is clearly acceptable to you, then why would you complain about revenge at all? Why condemn one system for being revenge-based, but promote your own revenge-based system?
If you feel your system would be better than the status quo in other regards, what's the point of bringing up revenge?