We have seen recent news that some large Institutional investors are buying large amounts of coins. Now, if you are a speculator and trader, this will be good news to you, but if you are into Bitcoin for the technology and the goal for Bitcoin to be a alternative currency, then you should sit up and take notice.
I don't think this will have difference about their plans than what is bitcoin is now.
and i think you are just exaggerating the point here.
Currently it is estimated that only 3% of the total available coins are being owned by large Institutional corporations, like PayPal, Credit Card companies and Tesla. This is quickly becoming a trend with large Dubai companies also buying large amounts of coins.
Then we must be thankful of this , we are always praying that adoption comes now that it's here we are taking it as a bad concept .
Why is this a threat to Bitcoin's future?
How can we stop that from happening? ...... Let's discuss, because this will be interesting to see how we will be countering this unintended attack.
Sorry but i won't sustain stopping this , after all this is for the benefits of all users either running from Blockchain or to what they are planning, Look how Miners controlling the fees these days , what is the difference anyway?