Since March 2020, assets managed by Grayscale Bitcoin Trust have increased from US $ 1.577 billion to US $ 3,451 billion. This increase signifies increasingly intense demand from institutional investors.
The number of Grayscale Bitcoin Trust assets that reached their highest point, when the price of a Bitcoin landslide was more than 50 percent of its peak price, is a positive sign. This means that financial institutions have high confidence in BTC's long-term trends.
I do think that we should note one thing about Bitcoins :
•71% of the people know about Bitcoins in US , which means that people are aware of the fact that Bitcoins is a wonderful side investment , which also includes the big institutions and companies.
Out of these institutions there are two kind of people :
•_• One don't wanna share their Bitcoins investments publicly
•~• The second ones are really open about it .
But at the end of the day , institutions do Invest in Bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies since :
• Some countries have tax free policy on cryptocurrencies like Bitcoins
• Volatility works amazing for these institutions , plus they sometimes even hire people to keep check on their balance sheet .
But the unfortunate situation is :
× It might mean there would be more whales in the society now , which could be direct in the line of market manipulation.
Because these institutions don't care about cryptocurrencies like Bitcoins , all they care about is getting rich which could be disastrous for us . 47% of the institutional Investors are okay with cryptocurrencies shows a survey.