Clearly we must be talking about different arithmetic types. I'm talking about arbitrary-precision rational arithmetic of the type provided by mpq_t in the GNU multi-precision library, for which "2/1" + "2/1" = "2/1" * "2/1" = "4/1" (exact rationals with no concept of uncertainty).
No, we've been talking about the same thing. You just spent so much time amongst scientists and engineers that you've forgotten how the average folks (e.g. bookkeepers, tradesmen, etc.) do arithmetic.
What I wrote was: 200/100 + 200/100 = 400/100 and 200/100 * 200/100 = 40000/10000. The concept of "un/certainity" is know to most of the people as "in/significant digits". You may have saved yourself some time right now, but you'll pay it all back (and more) when the users will start showing you examples where your mathematically correct arithmetic simply doesn't agree with their textbooks or with the results from the HP-12c.
What is the value of your "exact" arithmetic if it cannot exactly represent many of the solutions to the time value of money problems, e.g. APR is 5%, how much is this per month or per week or per day? Lots of TVM math requires irrational numbers, quite few commonly used calculations (e.g. IRR) don't have closed-form solutions and require iterative approximations. If your software is going to disagree with the HP-12c, your software is going to lose, not the HP-12c.
Does GNU gmp support all the rounding modes routinely used in accounting? I couldn't quickly find them in the documentation. IEEE-754 folks support at least the basic 5.
Edit: Anyway, the advanced quantitative trading software that I've seen used continuous compounding for the TVM calculations. I can't recall the minimum fixed precision that was required; it was either 6 or 8 digits after the decimal point.
Edit2: To avoid any further miscommunication: please try correctly implementing using your chosen representation.