Ahhhhhhhhhhh, AT LAST, we realize that it was Fergalish's, and Hawker's sole intent to annoy Freddy. They weren't interested in logic or reason, law or justice, just annoy and chide... Haaaaa Haaaa. It was just a joke. You really are Libertarians in Socialist clothes. Ahhh, funny, *busting a gut* now.
How "Feraglishisly Absurd" and "Hawkishly Annoying"
Not so. My intent was merely to expose the flaws in your philosophy; I can't speak for Hawker but his posts have been reasonable, coherent and pertinent. Unfortunately, the only way to expose those flaws was to escalate the discussion to hitherto unknown levels of absurdity (unregulated nuclear weapons, raindrop-triggered nuclear weapons etc).
Here is your philosophy in a nutshell if I may permit myself, and, by your own admission, it must be logical and coherent:
1. Do no violence except to defend from imminent perceived threats to life, health or property.
2. Do not threaten or damage the life, health or property of another.
3. Honour all your contractual obligations.
Is that more or less correct? If not, please correct it.
Items (1) and (2) are in direct contradiction with one another where two conflicting parties do not
identically interpret the words "violence", "defend", "threat", "life", "health", "property", "damage" AND where the parties are not governed by a comprehensive contract covering ALL possible scenarios.
So I'm not interested in annoying you - that's not the point of a good debate, in fact it would ruin a good debate. But your reaction here very clearly *suggests to me* that you are unable to resolve the contradiction. Therefore: your philosophy is flawed. Defend it or I will *conclude* that you cannot resolve the contradiction, and I will feel entitled to follow your every pro-libertarian comment on this board with a link to this thread stating that your philosophy is flawed and and you are unable to defend the accusation that your libertarianism is inherently contradictory.
So, if we're willing to accept such an absurdity, then yes, "business prevails" logically follows as a violence inhibitor.
Even then it doesn't work because there's no governing body forcing anything to abide by those agreements.
I sign a contract with you that says if your kid gets hurt in my store, I'll pay all the medical bills.
Sure enough, your kid gets hurt in my store.
You come and ask for money for the medical bills.
I laugh in your face and tell you pound sand - "make me pay out".
Your only option is to resort to violence to hold me to the contract.
There's just no way around it. It's the nature of our world. Violence will always be the ultimate decider of whose ideas prevail. This is why we have a centralized, democratic government that holds the biggest gun, and we all contribute to it to make mutually benefitial rules that we all agree to live by. Without that centralized power, the man with the biggest gun will make ALL the rules, all by himself.
I agree with you, it
is the nature of people and of the world; but try stretching your credulity to the point where, should my kid get hurt, and the owner doesn't pay, then the contractually specified court would convict the store owner and either the court-specified enforcement agency enforces the contract or, irrespective of the prices he offers,
everybody stops shopping there because they don't trust the owner to safely operate a store and/or abide by his contractual obligations.
I mean, like that, it
could work - I mean IF EVERY SINGLE PERSON THE WHOLE WORLD WIDE suddenly changed their nature and started behaving honestly, it
might work. Except in situations where an honest conflict arises because both parties honestly consider themselves in the right AND no mediator is specified, Fred & b2c have still not proposed an alternative to violence and therefore "MightMakesWinnerMakesRight".