Wealth isn't created by overconsumption, but by deferred consumption. Hard money's value is reflected in the state of the economy, Fiat is reflected by the optimism of central planners, or bankers. Saving hard money is risky in itself but saving fiat is just stupid.
We should be saving something of value, but instead we are consuming it exponentially, to satisfy the return on investment in recourses extraction ripening through the entire civilisation, in order to stay solvent.
In Fiat terms investing in more efficient oil extraction, is a good investment, simply put in a dynamic situation it will lower the cost of Oil, and the profit to cover the investment will be made on the increase in volume. The input costs in other industries will benefit and they too can lower their production costs, they will make up the investment on the increase in volume. Before you know it you will take what used to be a recycled bottle and be throwing it away, because we have invested in industries that do that more efficiently, while it is progress, it is progress that is a result of malinvestment, ultimately based on avoiding a default in1971. (I am not bitter just grateful it happened now and we didn't have to keep a fractional reserve gold standard going for a few more hundred years of operation.)
In Fiat terms saving money is deferred consumption, and collectively inflating the value away is theft.
Not so with hard money or a bushel of wheat or something.
The only option now is to invest your way out of the problem, (as saving fiat is for stupid people who want to see their money devalued) but the viable alternate is investments that are more of the same resulting in concern highlighted here: http://physics.ucsd.edu/do-the-math/2012/04/economist-meets-physicist/
The old way of doing things is broken, we need to learn to fly, and stop thinking we have launched off a cliff in the 1900 believing we are flying while just a few realise we are falling and can see the ground approaching fast, if you have better ideas or if I am missing something I would like to learn.