I have sold all my assets and am ready to negotiate ... The essence of my offer is to own the most elite NFT, so I reject your offer and make you a counter offer worth 6666 BTC (Foxpup-VIII). And with the remaining funds, I would like to purchase Foxpup-V for 485 BTC.
No deal. You're not taking my little pink
V for any less than the list price of
BTC3704. (Read it upside-down on a calcuator if you want to know what you're getting for your money. It turns out I
am that sort of forum member after all.
) You'll just have to choose which of my assets is more valuable to you.
Well, purchased
VIII + V, I expected to get, as they say,
"all inclusive", but you say so convincingly that I probably agree.
Please do not auction a lot (
Foxpup-V) at a price higher than
7007 BTC, as I expect to buy another bottle of champagne for the evening, or maybe even two.