How does one pronounce "casascius" anyway?
To make this question more interesting you might want to make option (C) 0% and/or slightly rephrase the question. You might also try something a little bit deeper:
If one of the following five answers to this question is chosen at random what is the chance you will be correct?
A) 0%
B) 20%
C) 40%
D) 80%
E) 40%
How does one "answer" this? My head is full of fog
It is strongly reminiscent of "This sentence is false. Is that sentence correct?". Basically, if 40% is correct, you have 40% chance. But if 20% is correct, you have 20% chance. But if they are both correct, then there's 60% chance, which gives 0% chance, which gives 20% chance. So 20% wouldn't keep looping around, but 40% wouldn't either, but they can't both be correct. Should we say there is no answer, the question is a liar paradox?
I can't put my finger on what is "wrong" with the question…