To update users on the bounty situation - we are still in the testing phase and having problems with the ethereum test-net. Our developer is currently working on it and unfortunately asking about the bounty will not expedite the process. We are trying to keep this chat focused on the platform - moving forward, we will let you know when the bounty happens as soon as it happens. If you consistently ask about the bounty, we may be forced to remove you from this chat. Whether you've been removed from the chat or not does not affect what you will receive -
kalo gini udah gan kita gausah terlalu ngarep, kalo dibayar ya syukur kalo ga ya iklhaskan aja, mau gimana lagi
kgk ush berharap gan , kalo mau digaji sama ift mah tinggal 2% doang , ane barusan lihat di tele statement dev nya bilang kalo para bounty hunter harus bersabar mengikuti roadmap karena mereka menganggap bounty hunter tidak penting gan.
ini dh 3 harian tetep ae delay