Listen to this man. Pay off your debts before you start investing. Don't be an idiot. The people telling you never to invest what you can't afford to lose are just looking out for you is all and just don't want to see you suffer if things don't turn out the way you want them to.
In March of '13 I got a side job that paid me $2800. I had a credit card with a balance of about $2500. I was going to pay off my credit card with that money, but instead I bought BTC at $40 each. I don't consider myself an idiot for making that move.
Good for you
How does that relate to the OP
uh, bitcoin went up 50X or 5000% in 2013. if we see growth even 1/10th of last year, your going to do very very well.
If we even see half the growth of last year, then I am definitely making the right choice.
As said in this post:
I personally have made a few of these moves, and it has changed my life dramatically. I applaud your risk, but I do think you should hedge some of it, and pull back some profits when you can, and try and just pay off the debt that you owe. Living debt free, is the best feeling in the world.