i agree wealth or success is not something that you have to wait for it’s something you have to work hard for yes patience must be involved but also hard work and determination are needed if you just wait for wealth to happen naturally then you’re waiting for nothing
Hard work and determination will lead to a good education and then earnings, investment comes once you start earning you look into the assets available at hand and then start putting money on them. For this a good income source is necessary and so is financial literacy. Most of the people dream big but they lack the first one, because they are not willing to work hard for a decent income. That is what youth is for, you earn now so you can reap in the older age.
Patience is important in making deals, observing characters and putting in the right investment at the right time. All these are virtues and the relative lack of them leads to a bad investor.
Most of the people in the world do not earn enough to make a good enough to put money aside and that is the problem. Majority of the world is living under poverty wages, which means that their salary is not enough to be considered out of poverty, they are literally in it.
You can't expect these people to live even worse, so they could save some aside and get themselves out. Maybe on paper that makes sense, but these are not the people who are spending 100 dollars on a steak, these are people who are spending 100 dollars on food for a whole week or even two weeks, in some parts of the world even for a full month. This is why, you can't really see assets getting grabbed up by everyone, only a few rich elite does so, a few million people around the world gets richer, while billions are living in terrible conditions. There are literally billions, over two billion, people who are not getting nutrition they should, because they can't afford to buy proper food.