I have been introduced to a group on Telegram named ‘Elite-Hashmining.com ‘ which promises fixed returns of 5% Daily with minimum investment of $100 and can be easily withdrawn after 3 days.
Now first of all 5% daily seems too good to be true.
Secondly, ever since I was added to the group, at least 4-5 people have messaged me to register my account asap as it is very huge opportunity I shouldn’t delay it. On their website they have also mentioned referral bonus so I am assuming those people who messaged me are trying to be pushy because of Referral bonus greed. But they could all be the same person trying to convince me.
Third, after casually scrolling through this group I found different people have quoted exact same thing about how good and genuine this company is. I find this highly suspicious, they could be bots or a scammer using multiple accounts.
Fourth, It does not have positive reviews by website’s like Scam advisors and scam queries.
Well but on positive note I haven’t seen even a single complaint of being a fraud in the group or anywhere else on the Internet. But
The company does not have presence in any other social media like Facebook or Instagram.
I need your opinion whether its Genuine or some Scam.
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