You wouldn't know on what would be the next movement of the price in the market and this is where self experience and skills/knowledge does counts and some sort a bit mix of luck when you do
make out trading positions.
Get aware and never been impulsive nor being greedy nor being emotional because you would really be finding this as a big problem if you do really tolerate it or having no control.
The reality is that it is not possible to say for sure about the next movement of the market, but if a trader has trading skills then he will be able to predict the next movement of the market. But there is no guarantee that it will be 100% correct. I have seen from my own experience that in order to trade, you have to keep complete control over yourself, otherwise the chances of making a loss increase a lot. So everyone tries to understand the market situation from their own point of view and find a way to make as much profit as possible.
1. Emotion
2. Patience
3. Impulsive decision
4. Greed/Fear
You would need to have a good control with these things so that you would able to withstand this very unpredictable market and its a must thing have in mind
on every investors out there.
You wouldn't last out into this market if you don't mind that much about those probabilities and if you don't apply off those things above I mentioned
then you would really be finding it hard.