A lot of people make the mistake of signing contracts or making business deals without involving a lawyer, which is not very prudent.
In whatever deal or contract you're getting into, make sure your lawyer is aware of it and make sure he/she has gone through the contract and gives you the go-ahead to sign before you sign, even if you feel you understand the contract very well.
It doesn't matter if it's a start-up, expansion, acquisition, selling of an asset or business, signing for a firm etc. Anything at all that involves you or your business and another party carrying out a business transaction.
Another mistake people make is not defining and understanding the terms of the contract before signing. This is where lawyers come in handy. You're not expected to know every business law, so there are a few details you might miss, details that can be against you in the future. Also, laws differ from region to region, so a law that favours you in your region may be against you in the region where you're doing business.
Some people involved a lawyer when things have already started going south. This is also not wise. Having a lawyer from the beginning may protect you from trouble.
It's okay if you can't afford the most expensive lawyers or firms to represent you or your business, but just make sure whoever you're hiring is competent enough
Five reasons you should involve your attorney early in your business transactions.
1. To Solve Problems in Advance
2. To Make Due Diligence Easier
3. To Reduce Last-Minute Time Burdens on Your Team
4. Because “Business Terms” are Not Just Business Concerns
5. Because Hiring Them Earlier is Probably Not Going to Cost Any More Than Hiring Them Later
Read more details hereI completely agree with you, even though there are you need to evaluate situation and realize the fact that not all contracts need a lawyer. Lawyers cost a lot and in some cases they obviously save a fortune, but not all lawyers are alike, and not everyone is specialized on some fringe subject as well as it seems to outsider. You don't need a lawyer to sign a contract when you rent an office as in most regions there are already laws in place to prevent any lessees to be abusive. And some contracts that are made to be misleading are unlawful in the first place in some regions.
But as a rule of thumb, if there's more money involved, or could be involved as a growing company. Lawyering up is definitely step nr1, that should be endorsed by all parties involved and if someone says you don't need them, you definitely do.