Once the attack was stopped, the team worked on setting up a process for reclaiming the funds, and sending them back to the rightful owners. This process of receiving and validating the claims has been understandably complicated and sensitive — especially when taking into account the immutability of the IOTA distributed ledger. This effort has required the full attention of the entire core and legal teams of IOTA over the last few weeks. "
Seen at: https://blog.iota.org/claims-and-reclaims-finalization-e692844c505a
Hmm if they did the snapshot of current situation, why people don't have acccess to their fund. Shouldn't they be able to move their funds once they did rollback if they did that in past. Soory I am lacking my knowledge about this issue, but if it is something that could happen again I just have to question it's security since it is new project at least not blockchain so all of us have some dubts.
How did fund ended up with devs then if they did snapshot o.o did they moved those coins or they somehow locked up particular wallets?