The tangle is very restricted at the moment. The network runs mainly
through the IOTA coordinator. It means it is like ripple. The
tangle is only an illusion.
David Sonstebo told this here:
All unplausible transaction are filtered by the coordinators.
Like e.g. after a hacking attack.
The dream was to nice to be truth. It is just a fake.
Do you still believe in IOTA.
It is planned that the coordinators are switched off any time in the future.
But for me I think the tangle is not stable and the coordinator can not be
switched off.
Today they have a marketcap of about 1 billion. But when they want to test
the alpha or beta state of the decentralized chain. probably they are
waiting for a market cap of 5 billion or so. Then the developer sells the most
part of the wallets before the beta test starts.
If the tangle is not stable and hackable everything is lost. Now enjoy your coins!
is bitcoin decentralised?
= no its not, its controlled my miningpools that split it, and a media network that propagades it
is ethereum decentralised?
= no its not, vitalik buterin controlls it.
is deeponion decentralised?
= also not its run by the tor group
fazit = there is only the illusion of decentralisation, if something is created decentrally its success will centralise it again
thats how i see it.