the fact that IOTA is really the most hated coin out there ,let me confirm that IOTA will succeed!
remember ethereum ? first they laugh at you then they ignore you then they fight you then you win
Don't worry, here are many FUD-Trolls.
One example:
Seriously, I saw the same post (TheJim) on many YouTube - IOTA Videos under the account ''Joseph Ducreaux''
Here one example in the comments: Ducreaux
I just dumped my IOTAs. Not going to support this joke of a team.
The IOTA founders, David Sønstebø and Dominik Schiener are just two emotional wrecks - and not least megalomanic narcissists. They ban people for literally nothing on the slack, while they themselves swear all the time and openly call people "retards", among other things. They think they're kings and that the rest of us are mere peasants. Many of us have noticed that.
You simply can't ask one slightly critical question or disagree with them in any regard, unless you want to get sweared at and then subsequently banned. David has furthermore admitted that he is a marijuana addict, which also expresses itself in his attitude towards other people, and not least IOTA's partnership with the scamcoin "Paragon". Don't trust an addict.
They keep on making promises, but nothing ever happens. Also see their github - really not looking good, no progress at all lately. Plus they hang out on the slack a lot of the time, which just tells me that they're not at all working as hard as they should be. It's all promises, but no action. Don't be like me and believe all their empty promises. It all looks so good in the beginning, and the breakthrough seems to be just around the corner, but nothing happens. They're full of it.
Then they try to blame it on the investors when we ask where the results are (not in terms of price) - almost as if they expect investors to actively participate in the development of the project for free. Would you invest in for instance Apple and then work for free for them? - No, you invest, and then you expect them to work for you, because you trusted them with your money. It's not the job of an investor to be an active part of the development. Never has been, and never will be. They want people to work for them, but they refuse to pay them. But of course David laughs in his usual arrogant manner when he's being told that. Cause he's better than the rest of us, remember? - David is the all-knowing king, and you're just a retard. Never forget that.
I can't imagine any big corporation wanting to partner up with them - and none have so far. They only "test" it, they claim. However, with the extremely arrogant attitudes of David and Dominik, plus their non-existing marketing strategy, they will fail. Imagine David at a meeting with serious investors? Haha. Imagine a CEO of a large company finding out how David talks down to his investors?
I have no doubt they will fail. Mainly because of David. Just listen the to radio interview he gave a month ago or thereabout - it's on youtube. So much swearing, and the inner narcissist just shines through. He can't hide his inner asshole behind his big beard, although he tries to.
Exchanges don't even want to list it. It could be done in no time. I have talked with programmers who've told me they don't understand it either, because it would take less than 24 hours for them to write the code necessary for an exchange listing. There's really something fishy going on regarding IOTA. It's always "soon".
I initially believed in IOTA, but I've lost all faith in it, the more I've learned about the devs. Mainly because of the extremely childish behavior they exhibit. Not a team I want to throw my money at, so I decided to cash out. A good technology or business idea is worth nothing when the team behaves like 12 year old boys. I lost all faith in their project, and I will do everything I can to make other people realize that too before it's too late for them. They are liars, narcissists, and possibly also very elaborate scammers.
CfB talks about traps in the IOTA code, so that other people can't just copy it and feel safe that it won't get "nuked" at his will, as it's been said. So ask yourself this question:
How many more "traps" and backdoors can't he have put in the code? - They'll probably open a backdoor at some point and steal people's coins. I have no trust in them. And don't fall for their "open souce" - cause if it's possible to make a trap without other people being able to spot it, then it's possible to make any trap/backdoor. They're narcisissists - it's so self-evident. Just join their slack and watch it for a day. It's insane. They really think they're superior to the rest of us. Don't ever trust narcissists, cause they will mess you up. Have that in mind, always.
Besides that, the trap has been found, which makes way for a lot of IOTA clones the coming time - projects that will have way better, less arrogant, less inept developers. IOTA will fall behind soon. It's the first born stillborn.
My best advice is to dump IOTA and run for your life, cause it's a doomed project with that dev team. There are coins out there with much bigger growth potential anyway. IOTA's market cap is already too big for the really large gains. You're in it for the money, aren't you?
I won't be sorry, no matter how high it goes (which isn't really that high), cause I simply refuse to support such inherently narcissistic assholes. It's simply a matter of having self-respect, and I value my honor and self-respect way higher than any amount of money. Plus lately, I have come to believe more in other coins that aren't the tangle + dozens of empty promises on a weekly basis.
Getting called a retard and be banned from the slack is apparently the thank I get for constantly promoting IOTA the first 1½ month following my investment - until I started getting suspicious the last two weeks and started asking just slightly critical questions. I will flood bitcointalk, other crypto forums, youtube, twitter and facebook with anti-IOTA articles and comments, just like this one. They deserve it, they asked for it, and the investors deserve to know the truth - so they can make their own decisions.
Having said all of this: Don't trust me. Just go to their slack and hang out there, notice all their empty promises, the way they talk to people, who they ban and what they ban them for etc. Google their names and read about them. Make your own judgement. I'm sure you will quickly be able to see exactly what I mean and feel disgusted by the way they behave.
Best regards.
Btw: It seems this guy ''Joseph Ducreaux'' is ''TheJim'' and ''ridery99''. He is the guy who is spreading the FUD about addiction and all this things. And in every FUD-IOTA Thread/ Post I see ''SatoNatomato'' too. all these people hate IOTA so much why are they always in IOTA-Threads and making IOTA-Post and Threads with multiple accounts ?