The level of sheep mentality in the space surprise me, what do you expect after the listing, the price crash, buy the rumour sell the news. I like this project but will only buy at good value, I don't the current price reflect the true value of the project, I might be wrong here
What is the true value?
IOT is forecasted as 10-35 trillion dollars, so iota only needs to capture a small percentage of this market to be bigger than the entire current cryptocurrency market.
You're talking about >50x increase from its current price, so how does that gamble seem overpriced to you? I'm generally curious how people evaluate risk/reward, because it usually seems off-base from any logic you would see on wallstreet, or even professional gamblers, as the valuations are generally hinged on how hard it can pump for a quick buck rather than the long term prospects based on the market and position within the market.