usury can only go one way- an excess in the same denomination- I loan you 5 bushels of wheat, you give me 6 bushels of wheat in 6 months. With bitcoin loans, it can go either way in terms of fiat value. This is volatility, not usury.
A lot of countries in the middle east imitate the the US and Europe, and do it pretty poorly sometimes. Like the Assad regime noticed that the US could get away with just about anything by saying they are fighting terrorism, so now they adopted the same technique to try to justify massacres in Syria. "The glorious heroes of the Syrian National Army brought three terrorist doctors to justice today, and successfully blockaded a whole terrorist village, ensuring that no terrorist food or medical supplies could reach the terrorists." or "The terrorists were peacefully demonstrating when we shot them because they are terrorists." The terrorists terrorized terrified terrorists who were terribly terroristic for the sake of terrorizing the terror out of the terrorist terrorism- terrible, really, considering the terror caused by terrorism among the terror of t -error t - error t -error t- error t-error beep beep beep beep freedom t - error freedom t-error freedom t-error gagagagagagaggagaga----
hey, what did you do to my brain?
it was an innocent error te te te te error er or er or er or or er or er or er care bear tear or care bear tear or care bear tear or care bear tear or
or care bear terror
terrorist care bears stormed the white house this morning, giving hugs to zionist bankers. The new world error broke down in tears, realizing the error of their terror, and auctioned the police and military forces of the earth to the highest bitter, a man named Marsupial from the Australian outback of Oakland, California. When asked for a comment, he replied
"Where are the love?"
The funny thing is that this post is almost less crazy than the news...
The banking elite, terrorists, and the masses need to stop all of this enmity and get together and fight their real common enemy, the real threat to the freedom to engineer snow storms in the Sahara- internet memes.
Sorry about that post- I stayed up past my bed time...