It's more like predicting what happens when a car goes up a hill. It slows down, or you give it more gas. You might speculate a bit about how much it slows down or how much more gas to give it...
Anyhow I'd like for more scientists to confirm this, as I've been finding false stories more often. Either the media is really ignorant and has no clues what it is doing or they are doing this on purpose. I could read 1 story about this in 1 newspaper and a completely other one also related to this in another.
Like I previously said, the impact isn't going to be that severe nor do we need to start worrying about it +-15 years before it happens.
The position I would hold is that because of our increased population, the effects would scale proportionately.
for example...
the cold did take a more direct toll. Western Europe experienced the worst harvest of the century in 1648. Rioting broke out in Sicily, Stockholm and elsewhere when bread prices spiked. In the Alps, poor growing seasons became the norm in the 1640s, and records document the disappearance of fields, farmsteads and even whole villages as glaciers advanced to the farthest extent since the last Ice Age. One consequence of crop failures and food shortages stands out in French military records: Soldiers born in the second half of the 1600s were, on average, an inch shorter than those born after 1700, and those born in the famine years were noticeably shorter than the rest.
Few areas of the world survived the 17th century unscathed by extreme weather. In China, a combination of droughts and disastrous harvests, coupled with rising tax demands and cutbacks in government programs, unleashed a wave of banditry and chaos; starving Manchu clansmen from the north undertook a brutal conquest that lasted a generation. North America and West Africa both experienced famines and savage wars. In India, drought followed by floods killed over a million people in Gujarat between 1627 and 1630. In Japan, a mass rebellion broke out on the island of Kyushu following several poor harvests. Five years later, famine, followed by an unusually severe winter, killed perhaps 500,000 Japanese.
Maybe I am wrong in this position. It's possible, because we are NOT discussing physical phenomena such as the internal Solar dynamics, but the reaction of humans to climate change.
By the way, you noted "I'd like for more solar scientists to confirm this." Actually, solar scientists have been predicting this for about five years. Look back in this thread, you will find my discussing it from prior published research. Essentially it is an area of "Non Denier" research that has not been much paid attention to and in some cases, covered up. For example, the 3rd IPCC report does not mention solar influences on climate at all and follows the Al Gore/Michael Mann pattern of striking out of existence the Little Ice Age. But I can see how you might have a skeptical point of view, thinking this was the first published result on this subject.