I'm sorry sir/madam, I have read your post twice and I can not follow your analogy with BTC. Bitcoins have a relatively fixed quantity. You seem to be arguing that USD are also a fixed quantity to which any economist would object. But you certainly can not use BTC as a metaphor to back up your argument. To help me better understand your argument, when you refer to money, could you please specify whether you are discussing BASE, M2, M3 or higher aggregates? Would you please read what
Ben Bernanke had to say in 2002 about money creation and tell us all how the chairman of the US Federal Reserve is mistaken.
If you're talking about core CPI, then you are correct, the Fed has not increased non-food non-energy price inflation above pre-2008 levels. If on the other hand, you discuss its countering effect, then the Fed massively reflated the base money supply as higher aggregates collapsed. Do you believe the Fed can claim 'mission accomplished' and perform no more conversion of "one form of money(U.S Debt) for another form(U.S Dollar)"? If not, what effects will further Fed manipulation have on the economy? But if so...?
The Federal Reserve only exchanges one form of money for another. It can't create 'new' money. Sure it can create new cash and purchase treasuries or other forms of government debt, but all forms of government debt function as a form of money. So when the Fed 'massively'(not!) reflated the money supply, all it did was print a whole heap of money and purchase U.S Treasuries. The net effect is very close to zero and has little if any effect on inflation. I'll repeat what I said before:
If a higher aggregate is collapsing and another party creates lower aggregates which had not previously existed to purchase the sold higher aggregates, that party has effectively prevented deflation of the higher aggregates while inflating the supply of the lower aggregate. If done with perfect finesse, there may be no net decrease in the higher aggregate. Since the higher aggregate represents the majority of total aggregates, one may say that the total money supply has not changed. However, if the party had not created liquidity there would have been massive deflation of the higher aggregates and appreciation of the value of the lower aggregates.
The amount of cash created by the FED in the U.S has increased by a factor of 3.8 but serious inflation has not occurred.
The cash (BASE, M0) is the result of selling off M3. If the Fed had not increased liquidity, the earth would likely have experienced the greatest deflation of the past century. I continue to claim that the RE-flation was an monetary inflationary measure to counteract deflationary deleveraging. Core CPI is a few percent while real CPI is in the teens. Food prices are inflating, energy is all over the chart, housing and finance are deflating. In general there is just a lot of volatility, but price inflation is not the issue of this thread. We are discussing monetary inflation versus debt default.
This is the equivalent of the BTC Central bank purchasing more BTC Treasuries in exchange for newly minted BTC Dollars.
I honestly can not follow any of your BTC analogy as either the premise is unsound/false, too sophisticated, or too abstract. Anyone could create BTC Treasuries but no one can quantitatively ease the base supply of BTC.
And the base money supply was reflated by the massive deficit spending done via the stimulus package, and the bailing out of the banks. Although it would have been more effective to nationalize the banks like Sweden has done and given more cash to households.
So are you agreeing with me? I have no comment about nationalizing the banks. But I think we are making progress.
Suppose I have a bicycle tire with a hole in it. If I add more air to the tire every few meters, then on balance I have kept the pressure constant. Though in detail the pressure is going up and down after each stimulus of air.
In my analogy, high pressure air is M3 which is trying to escape. The Fed (until this week) was the desperate cyclist reinflating the economy. The air that he pumped in was M0. But this can certainly not be called a zero-sum game.