Compare google selling you their adwords licensing for $100,000 dollars a day royalties, but its making $500,000 a day profit.
Its bullshit.
so, gpus were a scam when everyone was mining with cpus?
come on gpu comes from an million dollar gaming industrie that are facts ...not air,
another fact is this
Lets all just mine on , 6 weeks a lot wil be cleared out...Cheers
6 week's is a long time
if they turn out to be true everyone who did not preorder is losing the chance of mining with big hasrate at a low difficulty.
and if they turn out to be a scam everyone who did preorder ASIC will be in LOSS.
i can wait and take some lose, but if it,s for real i jump the fuck in to maybe a little later there are years ahead of mining it is not a short distance race, and IF they deliver as promised u will get some advantage for taking the risk of an pre order but don,t count on it its freaking end of oktober still no signs.. nothing ...but i really hoop they don,t scam on my fello miners i really do ...