So say someone deposits a buck worth of crypto or earns a buck with videos/surveys etc, they can convert it to 100 000 points and gamble against the bank which is made up of points, if they want to sell, they have to put it up for sale through cashout, and the next person who needs points would buy it from them. If no one wants to sell, than site could sell at that price, but people can't sell to the site.
So it's like a trade order system but the order is locked at 1 usd=100,000 points, and you can only buy from bank. Edge less or positive edge games could be explored, also coin flips between people or even difficult arcade style games where you pay to play a round and what you earn before you die is yours, difficulty can be adjusted to make it close to 50% gambling, but if some are really good they can earn a little more. Or anything else really.
To pay for the site and potentially profit, some kind of cashout fee or percent needs to happen. So say you buy points and immediately sell them to someone else for the same locked price, you would get 98 cents instead of a dollar, or like 2$ bucks and min 20$ cashout, depending if it's micro stakes or normal.
Anyhow thanks for reading this nonsense, What do you think, is this possible?
My answer is maybe, but it would probably cost a lot of money to set everything up, running a reward site alone is not cheap, running a game site with lots of traffic on it's own is not cheap.
For the question if it is possible then of course yes it is possible. Would someone do it I do not think someone will. As you know it will be expensive also I do not think every gambler would buy the Idea.
As the saying goes if ain't broke do not fix it and the current system is A okay for me.