Bitcoin is no one cant control it and the best online payment.
It depends on how you look at it. If I look at my personal situation when buying things online within my country, then the fiat system is offering a very nice user-payment experience. If I purchase for example digital goods, then I pay for it through my banking, and I receive what I bought instantly. And all without any fees. In that regard there is no real advantage from Bitcoin over the payment experience I currently have with fiat.
Good thing that in your country you are experiencing good customer service. Here in my country if you are going to use paypal they are really slow in processing payments, they need to process it 2-3 days before a payment will be guaranteed and approved. Unlike bitcoin when I started using it, the transactions are being confirmed within a couple of minutes.
worst purchase type ever, bitcoin or fiat, is a sorely needed VPS. you run into the need for another vps for business or whatever, ready to launch, hit any number of sites and pay and................wait...........wait.........pending. You cannot remember whether the site as far as whether it is a scam or they are just thinking about it. might take hours, might take days, might be instant!