I am asking this because not everyone has made tangible profit for holding. Just like myself I end up selling at a loss most times just to solve a problem. Some might be lucky to buy at a low rate and within few weeks or months the price just pumps to their favour. This kept me wondering if Bitcoin is actually for every one or it is a scheme for selected individuals..
Bitcoin is actually for everyone, maybe you didn't do the right thing before investing in it. There are rules that you should follow before investing. If you are investing in bitcoin, make sure you don't invest all your money in it. If you can do that, you will end up going back to sell the bitcoin you have bought when you are in need of money, and it's likely to be a loss. Make sure you invest the amount that you won't be using within a short time in bitcoin. Always have emergency fun that you can always fall back to whenever you are in need of money so that you won't end up selling your bitcoin when you are in need of money. One of the mistakes people make is investing all their money in bitcoin. You can just invest a small amount in bitcoin, you don't have to invest a lot, and then you will end up selling it back later.
You're overcomplicating things TBH.
You sold your Bitcoin holdings at a loss because you want to solve a problem then you'll think, and ask yourself if Bitcoin is for everyone?
Some people don't understand how they are supposed to hold their bitcoin, and then at the end they will end up complaining. If you depend on your bitcoin holding, then whenever you are in need of money, you won't have a choice but to sell the bitcoin that you are holding. But when you have money outside of bitcoin, when you need money, you can fall back to it and make use of it, without even thinking about selling bitcoin.
Some people just hear about bitcoin investment, maybe from friends or on social media, and they end up jumping into it, and they don't know the appropriate things that should be done before investing.