You guys are really ridiculous. Does it matter if my proposal is also deflationary and offers better protection against inflationary risk than bitcoin?
Do you need to make an argument to show that it is inflationary or is it sufficient to just state this?
On it's initial presentation, it appears
potentially deflationary. The problem that I have with it, already, is that it is an
even more complex algo than Bitcoin presently uses, which has many co-dependent parts that function together. You're algo may
appear functional, and may even be functional for decades, but the odds of a more complex algo resulting in a failure of many sorts is increased even over Bitcoin, which again is not a small risk. On it's face, I think that I can see a potential method of exploitation of the algo, so that the results are ever inflationary. Could still be better than fiat currencies, but I doubt that it's going to be better than Bitcoin's highly predictable algo. It's that kernal of doubt that will prevent me, and others, from seriously considering it. Ever.