It wasn't a burst yet, merely a taste of it. When there will be a real burst, altcoins will be going to literally zero, and only some top coins will retain some small portion of their value. But this might happen without Bitcoin being in bear phase, it can very possibly happen while Bitcoin will have a bull run, and altcoin bagholders will be abandoning their shitcoins as they will realize that Bitcoin is the coin that works and alts are just vaporware. Also, a good indicator for the state of this alt/token bubble is how accepted the narrative of "blockchain tech" is outside of the crypto sphere. You can see that the skepticism starts growing as many tech experts are voicing their doubts.
There are only 2 possibilitites that I see now:
1) We have already had our "dotcom". Now, most investors are aware that most altcoins are useless crap in which people used to put money hoping to get their BTC x1000 in the next pump of the hour. All these big gains on altcoins are gone and it's better to stay 100% on BTC as we go to 6 figures against USD in the next halving.
2) We only had a small taste of what's to come. Trillions will come in to create a mega altcoin bubble with a very strong Bitcoin as well (probably when BTC is somewhere around $100,000 to 300,000). Considering that dotcom bubble peaked at 6.7 trillion USD, we couldn't have seen anything yet. Then after that, all altcoins die, BTC is crashes to like $10,000-40,000 or so, and then here we go again "Bitcoin is dead" etc.. for a couple of years, then Bitcoin comes back dwarfing all previous peaks and goes to $1,000,000+
Im more inclined towards the second scenario. Mainly because I believe most people were still clueless about BTC + alts, so there will be massive investors in the forms of $trillions which will have to go from that "im going to invest in this alt which will x1000" phase to acceptance "most alts are nonsense and BTC reigns supreme" acceptance phase.
Your analysis makes a lot of sense now. We might be in the first phase of the realization that Alt coins are mostly "pump n dump" copy cat coins with little or no future, as you said. So, you get a bunch of people who wants to get a taste of the profits that early Bitcoin investors had, when it was in the early stages.
This will never happen on the same scale as Bitcoin, because Bitcoin was a brand new concept at the time.