1. Takes however long as the client needs to catch up with blocks to confirm+"peer review", thus not "instant".
2. Without "maturing" first, you are forced to pay small amounts to be allowed to transfer the BTC again. Later on from what I understand the fees are supposed to make up the mainstay of the incentive to keep mining after all BTC have been created.
I can wire real money for free without a fee inside of the SEPA zone, and if I do it inside of the same bank, it even appears there within < 5 minutes, i.e. potentially faster than BTC.
Just pointing this out because this crap is constantly mentioned as being true or an advantage while thousands of users get the annoying "this transaction is too new/large to transfer right now, would you like to PAY xxxx to transfer it" popup in their BTC clients every day..and in the meantime can SEPA wire stuff around freely.
It's still a valid point for us users outside the SEPA zone.