BTC Still have some years to spend in that first position to be the king among other cryptocurrencies before another cryptocurrencies will take over the position because, I know that BTC will not live forever, but now that the price of BTC has risen to $70k, it will be profitable for you to take your profits and wait for another bear run to come.
Market price can change at anytime without anybody permission but those who don't have the knowledge of how the market price move and, whenever they see the price of BTC going down in the market, they will conclude that BTC is dead not knowing that the bear run just take over the market.
We’re now into the second decade of Bitcoin – the cryptocurrency still aiming to take the world by storm. Passing the 10-year mark for any technology is impressive, given the nature of the business, so it’s worth considering if Bitcoin is now established enough to say it’s going to stick around, or will it eventually run out of steam? Bitcoin has been the flag bearer for the crypto community for a long time, inspiring the creation of many other cryptocurrencies. With each one of those, whether ultimately successful or not, the chances of one of them eventually taking hold increase as the awareness grows. Problems which have faced Bitcoin since inception, such as not being known by enough people to make it a currency, are being steadily pushed back. What makes bitcoin special is the fact that the only way it can cease to exist is if we, the people, don’t want it anymore.
Bitcoin is changing our economic system, the change can be seen in the same way you can see light under a door in a dark room, you know there is something there you just are not sure exactly what. You can envision a future where you have the option to store your value in something not tied to a country or government, you can become part of a world economy and not just a local economy and where you can carry your money with you and not be hampered by where you are or what money you carry. The only downfall to this is that in an interconnected world this transformation is known to all, we can only hope that as Bitcoins importance increases it reaches a point where it can make global change before the governments really try to stop it. The value of Bitcoin will not be dead, the internet would have to die and the promise that Bitcoin is delivering on will have to die as well and that promise is something that is priceless.