So what youre saying is theres no such thing as having upgraded wallets to hold and handle 20 mb?
We dont have the current problem. I thought its like 300 kb per transaction or less.
What i'm saying is that 20MB blocks will come at a cost and that cost will not outweigh the benefits. Totally not.
We are looking at:
-HUGE blockchain - too large for 90% of people to store. You will be dependant on central services for your txs. Less accessibiltiy.
-Sync problems
-No incentive for miners to mine after blockrewards go down. Fees are needed for network security.
-Even lesser nodes, more central mining
on top of that: cannibalism because some powerful people within bitcoin community who do not agree will attack the Gavincoin on all levels.
VTC offers a counterargument with preventing asics at all costs and having a more decentral network with more nodes. That's why it has a future. This rise was predictable.
Got a problem? Sweet, i buy the solution
Handsome profits there.
Alts, sidechains and 'bitcoin banks' are all more vulnerable to either being wiped out or having gatekeepers deciding whether you're worthy than a fully functioning Bitcoin blockchain that's readily accessible to all.
Merge mining with the btc network makes alts less vulnerable to attacks and secure enough for smaller money. That comes without gatekeepers and they won't be whiped out. I think a decentral bitcoin mining many merge mined chains is longterm sustainable.
More centralised mining and blockchain bloat for btc won't be such an intelligent solution compared to that.
Merged mined altchains provide as much space as you need for small "peon" txs.
And the good thing is: we don't even need this annoying discussion for that or any changes to bitcoin. It's all plug and play. Code is written already. Coins exist aswell.
And there is no need to endanger the network or community consensus for that and open a can of worms with that how Andresen tries to do.
There's no way I'd want to have to pay 1 BTC in fees for the honour of converting that to Doge so I can buy a car. Equally if I decide I want to pay a large Ukrainian to shove a lawnmower up my arse I don't want Coinbase stopping me from doing it because it makes them look bad.
There is no way you wold ever pay such high fees because of the free market effect. It regulates itself. Tx fees will rise to a certain point at which microtransactions will be uneconomical and will move to altchains for economical reasons (lower txs) which in turn lowers fees for btc txs again.
It is selfregulating much like the difficulty.
Txs will be what people are willing to pay to use "Bitcoin" instead of an altchain. I think that'll be somewhere between 1cent and 2dollar depending on several things.
currently you see another interesting free market effect with loans for margin traders on poloniex for example. "Demand and supply" aplies and this priciple always works. It will work for tx fees aswell.
We don't need central planning and "seasonal adjustements" in Bitcoin because the free market effect can govern price of coins, rates of loans, it can govern difficulty and it will also be able to govern tx fees if that makes sense?