The website also is only showing unconfirmed transactions in the higher (green bars). The discrepancy between this and what Jochen shows and what is getting included in blocks is what I'm pointing out. The legend above could be clearer as to what the two bars are:
"Unconfirmed transactions / Transactions today" makes sense but "# OF TRANSACTIONS IN MEMPOOL IN LAST 336 HOURS" is misleading. If it was really that then the number would HAVE to be much higher than "Transaction Today". They just mean their mempool has a 336hr expiry on unconfirmed transactions.
No, it will move from the higher bar to the lower bar as it is now confirmed. If you don't believe me then spend some time watching it and see what happens after a block is found.
That's the heart of the issue here. Every node on the network has its own version of the mempool. In order to make a realistic fee estimation it would be logical to try and have a mempool as similar to the ones the mining pools are using as possible. The fact the's mempool contains many more transactions than the mining pools mempools is causing them to overestimate fees.
The -mempoolexpiry parameter is the only explanation I can come up with, but I'd like to hear from anyone who has another possible technical explanation for the discrepancy.