I had blockchain.com wallet years ago, for a limited and I had two wallets there, one generated by blockchain.com and another one was imported by me. If I remember it well, the wallet generated by blockchain.com had way higher fee than the imported one.
Maybe, you had more UTXOs in the wallet generated by blockchain.com.
Take note that fee you have to pay for a transactions depends on number of inputs and outputs. The more inputs or outputs you have, the more you have to pay as transaction fee.
What I actually remember is that regular fees on wallet generated by blockchain.com was way higher than regular fees on wallet that was created by me and imported in blockchain.com website. Both were legacy address.
Logically, single address that belonged to my, shouldn't have more outputs automatically and in my case, these fee deference was always on one output transactions.
Since that day, I haven't used blockchain.com and I advise everyone to not use, their website is slow, doesn't work as expected and overall don't like this company, I don't feel that in any way I can feel secure by using their platform.
For example, if I wanted to send $10 bitcoin, BC generated wallet would charge me $2 while imported wallet would charge me $0.5
I used blockchain.com in the past too and if I memory serves me right, it didn't allow manual fee customization. It only allowed customers to choose among three priority options: low, medium and high.
What I'm certain about is that it was overcharging on fees.
But, technically it doesn't matter whether you are trying to withdraw from an imported wallet or a one generated by BC. The proposed fee rate is supposed to be the same since the algorithm used for fee estimation is the same.
The absolute fees you needed to pay was different because sizes of the transactions aren't the same (different number of inputs/outputs as hosseinimr explained above).
Yes, exactly but in my case, there was really a fee difference between imported wallet and one generated by blockchain.com. Imported wallet was always financially way beneficial to use than the BC generated one. I don't really remember if I was able to choose fee by myself but I can swear that regular or any three fee options were always 2-3 and more times more on BC generated wallet then on the imported one.