I always thought tip jar implied emotional extortion .... and just because I lock my car door doesn't mean I'm not free to leave. Think about that last part until you really understand double negatives
I'll match your jest and I will raise you this: which is worse, emotional extortion or physical extortion?
Emotional, or was that a hypothetical question?
It was an exploratory hypothetical, a thought experiment perhaps.
Which one occurs before the other? It seems like a chicken and the egg problem.
Physical extortion happens because emotional extortion happened previously, and physical extortion happened before all of that, and so on and so forth. It's kind of like Mises' regression theorem. I think ultimately, physical extortion could only be induced from emotional extortion, and emotional extortion comes from a lack of understanding... emotions, ideas, anything. So if we can find a way to fix emotional extortion, we can build an emotional base to fix (end) physical extortion. It seems to me like we can do that by excelling and specializing in our own personal craft or trade, give it away for free and in abundance, and let others figure out how to give credit where credit is due, possibly by tipping us with good karma, I mean bitcoins. Isn't the point of a sound money to teach us the value of scarcity? What is more scarce than money? A unique life. And what is more scarce than that unique life? A moment in time with that unique life. So maybe every moment of our lives are scarce and we must figure out a way to maximize each moment's value.