If this step is taken to render community service by casinos, it would make a difference and that casino would forever be recorded in the book of history to have done such or joined the list of the few casinos to have done such if any have really done that before.
If you think this is not a new thing or there are casinos doing this, you could please drop the link here or material or facts for us to see for ourselves and applaud the casino for that singular act of theirs.
Casinos are not charities and nor are any other companies. They should be paying a fair amount of tax and that is up to the politicians / law makers of individual countries to decide. That tax, as part of the whole tax take of the country can then be put towards these things like maintaining infrastructure, paying for the fire service, trash management and all those other things that keep society functioning. It would actually be worse if casinos tried to impact communities like this, because it could be construed as a bribe and taken away if they wanted to wield power later on. If they want to host small scale events for free, that can be a kind gesture but they should never be relied on for much else.