I don’t think they have enough Bitcoin to satisfy demand.
(!!!) While I wouldn't have any specific info to agree or disagree with that, that is... quite a claim. File it under, "big, if true".
Seriously, $100B+ is a... lot of money. Somebody should... look into this. (And I'm not being sarcastic here).
If anything like that were to happen, for the short term, Bitcoin price would also take a major hit, but after a while, it will be corrected.
Would it? Why?
One thing that has been very clear in the last 10 years is that most investors in Bitcoin don't want to hold their own keys. Indeed, the idea that a major investor would want to go to the trouble of creating a ultra-high-security facility to hold millions in physical assets is bonkers. These investors deal with a a trading screen and nothing else, and they work in fancy air conditioned offices, not at Fort Knox. They are very happy to pay another company like Coinbase to deal with all of that because their business is finance, not security.
All of these investors invest in Bitcoin under the assumption that it's effectively just like buying stock in APPL or NVDA in terms of safety and convenience. If that structure was shaken, all of the "big" money would pull out of Bitcoin, and most average consumers would be terrified to hold more than a few hundred dollars lest they be robbed or killed for their keys.
I think more people need to understand that Bitcoin's current price is based on millions of consumers investing in Bitcoin, not a few of us hardcores on Bitcointalk.org