In a world of almost 200+ countries, there are trillions of people, and everyone likes to have more money because people wish growing day by day, and they don't care about money coming ways legal or illegal, So there is a big illegal way to collect more money is corruption, what do you think it's Wright?
A world with trillions of people, imagine that.
Billions is more like it, and there's less than 200 countries.
After having just watched Rand Paul eat Dr. Fauci alive, I think corruption is not only wrong, but I think the pendulum is swinging the other way where people are getting sick of it. As Rand Paul stated earlier, Republicans are going to take the house, senate, and presidency in 2024 and will change the rules so that they'll be able to see who is getting royalty deals from where with public companies. Then you're going to see exactly how rich people like Anthony Fauci have gotten at the expense of the American people. I hope they keep going with the insider stock trading against politicians as well. If Nancy Pelosi and Anthony Fauci never have to serve a day in jail or pay millions in penalties, then there is no justice.
It was very satisfying. Unfortunately most government corruption slides under the table. It's only when one party is in power, they go after the opposition. Opposing party gets into power, goes after their opposition. The only consolation is that it's a balancing act through an adversarial system. Doesn't work if there's only one party in power for too long.