Do you think they will be able to create some type of medicine which is going to be effective against the virus any time soon, because we all see that the vaccines maybe won't be the key to beating the virus?
If by they you mean us, and by medicine you mean antibodies, then yes. It’s almost like mankind has likely survived the flu for a little while now.
Watching government attempt to remove natural immunity from their citizens as a further method of control has been one of the more terrifying events I’ve ever witnessed. If you are white, your ancestors survived and thrive around all that killed the native americans (small pox, flues, and the list goes on), earlier the black plagues...
I don't believe western gov still have the iq to even understand what you just wrote. They know how to smile, how to lie, or even wash their bribes, but for the rest? they are fucking morons unable to even think.
I personally hope it's the case. they trusted the "gov" now they will pay the prices. I will joyfully party once all the vaxxed by mrna die or are on a constant train (and money making for me, if the legal framework allows for profitering from the demise of the too stupid to think) of vaxx updated ! 4th, 5th, one per month, one per week until the holly grail of any pharma company : ONE A DAY ! (then 2, 3... etc).
heheheh. call me cruel, I don't care.
Yep. They're doing a great job. In the UK we are currently in a third wave of cases from the delta variant, but thanks to the vaccines hospitalisations and deaths are very low.
lol you are so ill educated that you don't know that once a bioweapon is released or new virus emerges it will naturally decay, aka get more contagious, while at the same time, spare as much as possible the host? aka more "cases" (by fraudulent pcr test at above 35 cycles) while less death (furthermore most of the weak have been eliminated by the first wave and the lack of proper treatment? did your medical system gave hcq, ivermectin or vit c, d, or zinc to your old ones? no? It killed them.
not everyone one want to get vaccinated, there are countries in Europe with very low % vaccines and IMO never going to reach herd immunity.
Anti-vaxxers are an obstacle to herd immunity, yes, but I do think some of them will change their minds as there are geographical clusters of high vaccine hesitancy (e.g. Alabama in the US), which will quickly become apparent in the data... if people see that highly-vaccinated parts of the country have lower case numbers and better outcomes, it should cause a degree of behavioural change. If anti-vaxxers form a small enough minority, then effective herd immunity within a nation is perfectly feasible. The other issue is the low availability of the vaccine in poorer nations... the higher the amount of virus circulating anywhere in the world, the higher the number of mutations, and dangerous or vaccine-resistant mutations. So it's likely that we will need annual boosters to compensate for concerning variants. As for 'beating' Covid, that's only going to happen when cases numbers across the whole world start to drop to very low levels.
the problem in your narrative is israel. what happen to israel if pfizer vaxx is an epic medical failure (like it happen to many big pharma endeavor? I let you guess...
don't count "cases" but death. death are HARD data, then ask yourself, it's died from covid or with covid... big difference, specially as the test are fraudulent.
HCQ or Ivermectin ! For god's sake, plz educated yourself.
LOL hello Mr. Trump, believe me these are far from cures for the virus. I am talking about something that inhibits multiplication of the virus or the entry of the virus in the cell, something like the other antiviral drugs.
in early treatment it always works, unless the patient is already dying... however on late stage, as said, if already dying... there is nothing you can do.
if trump told you the sky was blue, what would you say?
vit c, d, zinc lots of water, sleep and rest, just a cold... dandelion tea... I mean, nothing fancy. It's not ebola or monkey pox or a black plague ( can I say that, or it's no appropriate?).
ps, when trump got it, he had access to a medical staff, that never you nor even any billionaire will... hehehe. those aren't buffoons...
quercetin...a zinc ionophore (ensures zinc gets inside the cell), like HCQ and ivermectin but these two might require people to get prescription due to covid treatment regulation. quercetin however is still OTC from health food stores
you might want to add your herbs like these, to clear your lungs. chinese goverment approve people bash this chinese medicine, look at the ingredients, they are adapted by western herbalist too
here are the ingredients (taken from 'english' box):
western herbalist links: (look at the ingredients) something like this.. just make sure you are getting the "wild Mediterranean oregano" high carvacrol content. herbs will ensure you are breathing, they are antibacterial and antiviral..will help keep the bad bacteria at bay during cytokine storm. take it as early as possible during signs of symptoms.
herbs are like readily available form of zinc, imagine zinc as lead being manufactured by the body as bullets but these herbs are bullets already ready to be fired.
in summary, you are enhancing/optimizing/arming your immune system. your immune system is the cure
you know how many hcq or ivermetin have been given worldwide and more importantly for how long? it's safe... as safe as a drug can be.
Do you think they will be able to create some type of medicine which is going to be effective against the virus any time soon, because we all see that the vaccines maybe won't be the key to beating the virus?
Currently, there are some medications doctors can use to treat the effects of COVID-19, but developing a drug that targets the virus directly is a complex and expensive process.
The U.S. FDA has approved just one antiviral drug for COVID-19, called remdesivir. However, researchers are studying other potential treatments, such as antiviral drugs, anti-inflammatory therapy, and immunotherapy.
Though it is not known whether any of these will prove effective against COVID-19, I believe a cure is possible.
the problem of investing in big pharma is that most efficient working molecules are old and derived from nature... what the cells encountered in their evolution... it's a big problem for my ROI...
HCQ or Ivermectin ! For god's sake, plz educated yourself.
LOL hello Mr. Trump, believe me these are far from cures for the virus. I am talking about something that inhibits multiplication of the virus or the entry of the virus in the cell, something like the other antiviral drugs.
in early treatment it always works, unless the patient is already dying... however on late stage, as said, if already dying... there is nothing you can do.
if trump told you the sky was blue, what would you say?
vit c, d, zinc lots of water, sleep and rest, just a cold... dandelion tea... I mean, nothing fancy. It's not ebola or monkey pox or a black plague ( can I say that, or it's no appropriate?).
ps, when trump got it, he had access to a medical staff, that never you nor even any billionaire will... hehehe. those aren't buffoons...
quercetin...a zinc ionophore (ensures zinc gets inside the cell), like HCQ and ivermectin but these two might require people to get prescription due to covid treatment regulation. quercetin however is still OTC from health food stores
you might want to add your herbs like these, to clear your lungs. chinese goverment approve people bash this chinese medicine, look at the ingredients, they are adapted by western herbalist too
here are the ingredients (taken from 'english' box):
western herbalist links: (look at the ingredients) something like this.. just make sure you are getting the "wild Mediterranean oregano" high carvacrol content. herbs will ensure you are breathing, they are antibacterial and antiviral..will help keep the bad bacteria at bay during cytokine storm. take it as early as possible during signs of symptoms.
herbs are like readily available form of zinc, imagine zinc as lead being manufactured by the body as bullets but these herbs are bullets already ready to be fired.
in summary, you are enhancing/optimizing/arming your immune system. your immune system is the cure
headshot, my gov, preferred to see old people die... so sad (and most are too dumb to understand it
love to see oregano in the list, didn't know it was used in TCM
, it's really a "breather"... didn't know the physics behind it.
I find funny the weight, I guess, some TCM units? Maybe you know the origin of this metrics?