If the second definition from Oxford dictionary fits well for crypto, then it also means that the stock market is also a form of gambling, because it also involves taking risking and expecting a desired result.
You actually nailed it there, there are a lot more that would be fitting for gambling if the second meaning of the dictionary is to be gone by. For this, it might still mean that they should just leave crypto alone and regulate it as other trading and assets are being regulated. Although, those MPs believed they are doing crypto good of freedom rather than how many take it here.
No is not gambling. In gambling is either you gain or loss which involves buying and selling in crypto
I have this mindset until I read the Oxford Dictionary's meaning. Regardless, one can still lose or gain in buying and selling crypto like other assets, so they should not treat it as gambling.
In my country, the government also believes that Bitcoin is a gambling game and a means of getting rich quickly and that is why they stopped trading in Nigeria even with this it doesn't stop people who have been into it to sell off their coin or their investment.
I'm familiar with the case of Nigeria, the main government as a country did not ban crypto, it's the CBN. And I don't believe they did it because it's a gamble. They banned it through banks mainly to counter money laundering and terrorism.