EOS had the biggest ICO in the history of cryptos and I don't know why they have been so slow with their development. Surely there is no lack of funds because you raised so much money so either the team doesn't have the right talent or the intention wasn't there.
I know right? EOS should've been a widespread success with all of the money it raised during the ICO. The team should've put the funds to good use in order to make the project stand the test of time. Dedicating time and money into marketing/promotion should've been the utmost priority of the project. But it seems that the funds were put to waste, as we get nothing more of the same.
This is what happens when you trust vaporware peddlers and scammers with so much money. They never really ignored marketing and promotion. In fact, that is the ONLY thing they did. They had a slick looking website and a lot of conferences and advertisements. Yet, having all of that money meant they never needed to work another day.
Block.one, the private corporation that raised all of that money has comfortably sat on all the Bitcoin and cash and calls itself a holding company now. What this means is that a bunch of idiots who believed that a DPoS chain with "21 block producers" (centralized as fuck), could become an actual congregation point for developers to put their efforst, collectively funded a private investment corporation which is now free to use their money the way they want. Its all donations now while the EOS chain itself is a Chinese CCP chain.
EOS is a prime example of how PoS can never actually work. That is why, all of this DeFi and NFT boom notwithstanding, it'll all crash with ETH moving to PoS. This is when you have to be bullish on the initiatives like TBD from Twitter and other smart contracting initiatives native to Bitcoin.