gambling is fix my life if i win, then wreck my life if i lose
to me it has not effect on my at all, because although i am doing gambling for making money and for getting fun from making money but i do gambling in a limit and try to exceed that limit. and therefor i can say that gambling has not special effect on my life.
Good for you that you can control yourself from gambling. Only less people are like you. Most people are addicted in gambling because they treat it as a stable and easy way to earn money. If they win they just get greedy instead of withdrawing it already. They are hoping to win more not knowing they will eventually lose if they continue.
Definitely true. If you include emotions to gambling, then you will likely lose. Reason is that, emotions can lead you to being greedy. Once you get greedy in gambling, the rate of you getting bust is quite high.
If you are just new in gambling, better bet only money that you can afford to lose and that you are just playing it for fun. If you want to go hard in gambling, better practice bankroll management, emotionless betting, building many sessions, and pre-planned betting.
Not all the time bro,
What if you include emotions in gambling,
But you are a disciplined person,
and do a have a self control.
Still, the probability of losing too much in gambling is based on the self control, limit, and discipline of the person.