Is giving negative trust to further an agenda (noble as it may seem) mostly unrelated to preventing scams an abuse of the trust system?Before we get started, I want to say that agenda is not a bad word. It has no negative conotation in this context.
TL;DR: jonald_fyookball unfairly gave me negative trust for "account farming".
The IntroThat is what I want to discuss today. Hello, I am BlackSpidy. Some of you might recongnize me from the Wall Observer thread as the guy that makes some remarks on the price and throws a joke and/or prediction in once in a while. I will provide a signed message (with a shitty format, sorry, I will change to the more largely used P[something] message next time I need to sign a message) at the end of this post.
The BackgroundAnyways, I got a bit of drama to share with anyone willing to sit and read through the backstory of this dispute. I lost my charger, my laptop had run out of charge and I needed the bitcoins held within. I decided to get a loan for a charger, 0.1 BTC, overshooting the price a bit in case the shipping was too high. Then jonald_fyookball simply responds "account farming" and gives me negative trust for that same reason. Someone responded that its sad to see assholes use their accounts as collateral and never pay their loans back (I'm paraphrasing, I'll be doing that a bit). Thinking that is what "account farming" was, I PM'ed jonald_fyookball, asking if he would remove the negative trust once I successfully completed my loan. He simply replied "I dont aprove of account farming". I solved the money issue my own way, getting a
BTC0.01 loan for another reason.
The ArgumentAnother trusted member came in to say that there is nothing wrong with selling accounts, as he did it himself. jonald_fyookball responded "what
you did is
totally different!" (I call bullshit). He then provided his reasons:
-Scammers might buy accounts. (I should not be held responsable if other people use something I sold in an unethical or illegal manner. Knife salepeople are not held accountable for killings via stabbing and I should not be held accountable for
hypothetical future scammers)
-It's unfair for signature participants that someone is getting paid more than once. (none of my accounts are participants in signature campaigns I can prove that for my main, Blackspidy account and another account, if the lender I got some BTC from decides to back me up on that)
-It's unfair for companies that run signature campaigns. (same as previous point, he has
no proof whatsoever I am on any signature campaigns. He has no proof that I participate in any signature campaign, making this point meaningless speculation!)
-It encourages others to farm accounts. (so!? Why am I being called untrustworthy because of what
other people might do [which I think is an honest and non-scammy thing] when I'm doing something completely honest and non-scammy!?)
-It makes the ranking sistem meaningless. (isnt it already kind of meaningless? You registered your account in 2013 and posted at least one comment a day since... does the fact I make it a bit more meaningless make me not trustworthy!?)
-It encourages spammy low value posts. (I'm being held accountable because of what other people might do, got it, what I dont get is:
How does that make me not trustworthy!?)
-It doesnt add value to the community. (that is completely subjective, and
say it with me: How does that make me not trustworthy!?)
So far, he has provided absolutely no reason (other than his sorry excuses trying to make account farming into a form of scam) to give me negative trust. I have not scammed anyone, I have not tried to scam anyone, I have not aided in a scam, I will complete my loan without delay on September 1st.
Hence, he abused the trust system, giving me bad rep to further his agenda. Speaking of agenda...
The AgendaI undestand where he's coming from. He wants scammers to not be able to get their hands on accounts with trust. I agree, and I am not acting against that goal. None of my accounts (other than my main, apparently) will ever be used for cryptocurrency-related business or signature campaings. He wants Bitcointalk to be home to quality discussion. So do I, I do my best to inject some intelligent discussion into the opinions I express in this forum. We all should.
But that is not what the trust feature is for. The trust feature is there to help see who is trustworthy or not, and none of what I've done makes me untrustworthy.
The SolutionI now formally request that jonald_fyookball remove the negative reputation on my account.
The Relevant Threads, original my loan request., my successful loan request., slightly highjacked thread where I and jonald_fyookball discussed his possible abuse of the trust system.
The Signed Mesage[Message]The account posting this August 7th of 2015, "FishBones80" is an alt for the account "Blackspidy", created in order to discuss possible trust abuse by "jonald_fyookball". I sign this message with the address 1bHPh41CeaBqPqT8zqzjgwcXmyKL67khe, as seen on the following meta post:[/Message]
The DiscussionI leave that to you.
PS: I apologize for the length of the text and any spelling errors (my spellscheck isnt working).