I really need some help... I have been mining bytecoin and send some to HitBTC exchange. However I still haven't got them in my HitBTC account.
I have the transaction complete from my end (wallet) but I haven't received them.
I tried to contact with the exchange support but got no answer....
Does anybody knows something about HitBTC?
Hello fellow crypto-miner,
Well after reading all the comments on this and many other forums, thinking about it and trying it out.... Hitbtc in my opinion is still undecidedly trustable...
I think it's legit, but it, like other exchange/wallets are under extreme service pressure.
1.) "Manual transaction recovery"
Every time something goes wrong it takes time to manually fix it... the longer they get backed up the longer it will take...
a.) This leads to new accounts being formed on forums like this where they say "SCAM" to the community... and we believe it... or at least some of us do..
- these accounts are new accounts and have no specific details usually... posts could be real, time delayed, fake (corporate/net sabotage from other brand)
- *** The long-term accounts on this forum that are wise and and have helped many others usually post about doing your homework to
protect yourself in an emerging crytpo-industry and offer insight... earned trust. I'd believe them first... new accounts screaming scam are upset people... quick to blah blah blah
*Ask yourself about these new accounts.... what were they doing during these transactions? have they read any of the forums and offered solution possibles to their own problems?
( i myself had a transfer take 20+ hours...)
2.) As new and emerging cryto-currencies become available they have to update code and all the details it takes to handle said currencies... theres bound to be hiccups/bugs on everyones side from blockchain updates to wallet storage procedures for secuity (Is that done by clockchain too?) plus plenty i cant even imagine about yet as a newcomer.... I understand these things can cause delay... and loss... as any risk industry does... that's the responsibility you accept to join this emerging tech life so be warned. to quote many great minds.."Back that shit up!"
3.) I lost my PC after realizing my cracked version of win 10 pro was allowing control over my software somehow and they were messing with my wallets, after i secured my wallets they crashed my explorer hard and no forum solution across the net could solve it... so i had to do a purchased OS install and recover what i could... back up drive "notes" FTW. All my HitBTC funds were still in place because of 2FA <---- did they have this? was their OS cracked?
There are so many variables... I trust the site to want to do what they say..... I don't trust their company concept to currently handle the load they have.. hopefully it will improve to be real-time customer service one day.
I most certainly don't trust any new account screaming scam before I've done my own skill upgrade through research. I'd give the company a rating but currently I'm still on round 2 of trying to mine and they have Bitcoin Gold now on Minergate... dont get me started on those review forums.... do your homework man... "The way you do one thing, is the way you do everything." - ME
Good luck, hope this helped.