Holding bitcoin a long time is a good way to make money, hold it 2 to 3years after that for sure you had already a big saving in your storage wallet. It will surely that bitcoin by that time would be 3000$ to 5000$. Just be patience while waiting for the right time
I dont expect such a big price rise in next 2-3 years, we still need to remember about the current situation that bitcoin and blockchain are into.
There is a possible hard-fork going on, we are still not sure but bitcoin unlimited has somewhere like 42% of support, when segwit has more around 30% (to be implemented, we need 95% of support for SegWit).
We are still having big problems about the blockchain bandwidth, the network is simply too slow sometimes.
In case of a spam attack, blockchain cannot really maintain under such a massive traffic, there are too many transactions which makes things even worse than before.