When I catch glimpses into what is going on in the crypto world, it really seems like bitcoin advocates are still generally the smartest people.
You can't really quantify how smart a person is, though, unless you use rough metrics like IQ tests. This is largely subjective. I would say there are smart people who are against Bitcoin, and there are smart people who are for Bitcoin.
But there seems to be a lot of emperors new clothes stuff going on. There seem to be major and repeated issues. When I look at the bitcoin whitepaper, it's pure concepts- no marketing hype, no gimmicks trying to make it look like the next big thing.
I agree. It's because Bitcoin is a pioneer, and I don't think anyone even Satoshi predicted it would be used the way it is used today. It was simply meant for transactions with no reliance on trust. Satoshi wanted to change the world, and he did.
All the altcoins seem to be focusing on technical aspects, but none revolutionizes the economic picture the way bitcoin did.
I think it's a little unfair to expect altcoins to revolutionize the economic landscape the way Bitcoin did. Bitcoin already revolutionized it. Altcoins, which are basically created in the same vein, can't do much more in this aspect. Instead they're trying to improve in ways they believe Bitcoin falls short.