There were a total of 96 transactions confirmed in block number 399000.
1 block 1 transaction
2 block 2 transacktion
3 block 5 transaction
1-3 block total 8 transaction. I need 1-399000
So the total number of transactions confirmed in all blocks from block number 1 up to and including block number 399000?
I think it will be somewhere between 110000000 and 111000000. Do you need an exact number, or just a close approximation?
Do you only want transactions with spendable outputs? Do you only want the count of transactions that pay to a standard bitcoin address, or should the total include transactions that pay to a non-standard script?
That is the hash of the block header of block number 399000. It is not possible to decode that hash into anything useful. The block header that was used as input to the hashing function contained the following:
- Version: 00000004
- Previous Block Hash: 0000000000000000010cb91a899239148b28b0d6182286b8c8fd1b8e422183d9
- Merkle Root: 89b80612102795be5a8e78502d5e49fbe47ae2a192d08fb28daad6a2e14327f7
- Time: 56C5ADD0
- Bits: 1807a114
- Nonce: 3A73B160
I can't imagine what you'd need the "exact" total for, but you are welcome to add them all up if you like.
Start here:
(You'll see that block had 1 transaction)
Then here:
(Again you'll see that block had 1 transaction)
Next here:
(Yet again you'll see that block had 1 transaction)
Just keep adding 1 to the number on the end of the link until you get to 399000. Add up the number of transactions in all the blocks, and you'll have your total.