I want everyone to think about this question, what is the target of payment with Bitcoin. Dollars? Or Bitcoin? I think if you use Bitcoin to pay. So no matter what the value of the dollar, companies should sell their products at a fixed price.
for example
USD: Once Musk sold Tesla to use Bitcoin for payment, but when Bitcoin fluctuated, the payment was different, and later the Bitcoin payment was cancelled.
BTC: I know ognasty's fan site
https://nastyfans.org/mint. In the website, the price of 1BTC=1BTC will not change. No matter when the product is, the price will not change.
If the number of bitcoins fluctuates with the U.S. dollar, it still means that they are priced in U.S. dollars and can only be purchased through Bitcoin.
What is your opinion? Do you think Bitcoin should be priced in U.S. dollars? Is it possible to use BTC and USD for pricing at the same time?