Just to use all the money in your credit cards to buy some BTC and then before the grace period pay them back and repeat. If I am not wrong, this should give you a very nice profit say for a total amount of $20k between 7-8 credit cards plus good credit and all the cachback and points each CC have.
Is this smart?
Anyone does this?
And more important which exchanges allow you to use credit cards? Or is it better to buy using paypal and fund it via the CCs?
Thanks in advance.
I don't think it is a good idea. Maxing your credit cards just to invest into something is not a clever move. Though bitcoin gain its momentum every now and the, you cannot predict what will happen next. If you invest it in one shot and it doesn't go as planned then you will be stucked at holding or take the courage to cut loss. Have a good money management before doing so, and ask yourself what is your plan B if it doesn't work. Always have aback up plan and don't try to messed up because your emotions will hinder your trading plan. Always plan your trade then trade your plan.